Let's meet our June 23rd - June 29th Weekly Feature Creative, Christine!
Business Name: Caelum Light Photography
Type of Creative: Photographer
Genres: Lifestyle/Candid, Fashion, Landscape/Nature/Wildlife, Weddings and Event
Tell us about you! What is your story? Married, kids, fur babies? What things do you do besides your craft? Prior Army Flight medic, 10 years Army Vet. Current jobs: critical care paramedic, operation manager at Dogtopia of Winter Park. Soon to be married & have 4 dogs.
Photographers...be straight with us... what brand do you use? What is your favorite piece of gear - lens, camera, body, etc? Nikon all the way!
What makes your passion shine and what are you most passionate about when you see your finished work? Patience. Everything.
What has been the hardest part of being a photographer/model/makeup artist/hair stylist, etc? Post-production while working two jobs.
Would you change anything that you have learned? Yes! Communication and computer skills.
What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind with your work? Military stuff. Lots of unique helicopter shots.
What advice do you have for people just starting out? Perfection takes time. Never quit.
Thank you Christine for sharing your creative journey with us! We love having you as part of the Artistic Alliance Community!
Be sure to follow Christine here: